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St Margaret's Academy: Pathways Programme 2018

12 March

S4/ 5 Evening Tuesday 13th March 6.30-7.30pm

Doors open 6.00pm with a drop in session available for discussion with individual Curriculum PTCs

Careers Advice also available.

Presentation will take place from 6.30- 7.00pm followed by drop in session with PTCs until 7.30pm


S2/3 Evening Wednesday 14th March 6.30-7.30pm

Doors open 6.00pm with a drop in session available for discussion with individual Curriculum PTCs

Careers Advice also available.

S2 presentation will take place from 6.30-7.00pm followed by drop in session with PTCs until 7.30pm

S3 drop in with PTCs will take place from 6.30-7.00pm followed by a presentation from 7.00-7.30pm.


Course choice sheets will be issued at all presentations with forms being returned in the week of the 19th March:

S2 19.3.18

S4 20.3.18

S3 21.3.18

S5 22.3.18

Pupils will meet with a member of the Pathways team to discuss their course choice form on these days and return the form.

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