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Celebrating success

Many young people get formal qualifications during their time at school. However, learning also takes place outside the classroom, at home and in the wider community.

Wider Achievement covers learning in other areas of school life and within the wider community in a variety of activities. For example: hobbies, volunteering, activities undertook in the life of the school, as well as, recognised awards, qualifications or programmes.  As a school, we aim to promote how valuable achievements are and how important it is for young people to have the opportunity to take part in activities.

The school's system is designed to recognise/celebrate the achievements of all pupils and celebrated through:

  • REACH Award for Participating or Volunteering in an event/s or club/ensemble
  • House Badge for recognising an additional qualification

To continue celebrating the successes of our young people, please fill in the form below using the link or QR Code:

Wider achievement form QR code

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