During S1 and S2 pupils follow a general science course covering outcomes in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. These aim to equip pupils with the knowledge and skills that they require to move on through the Science study. We hope to encourage questioning and experimentation to build their understanding of the world around them.
S1 and 2 pupils will have the opportunity to experience Science beyond the classroom through trips, talks and projects.
The following topics will be studied on a rota over the two years:
- Electricity
- Energy
- Made in the Stars
- Chemical Reactions
- Body Systems
- Plants for the future
- Crest awards
- Cells and Microorganisms
- Acids and alkalis
- Nature's Chemistry
- Light and Space
- Forces
- Inheritance
The topics will be assessed using a variety of strategies including:
- End of unit tests
- Investigations
- Presentations
- Research projects
Scientific literacy and numeracy skills will be developed throughout the two years.
In S3 pupils can choose from individual Science courses in Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science and Physics
In the Senior Phase we offer a wide variety of courses:
National 5 Biology (opens new window)
National 5 Chemistry (opens new window)
National 5 Physics (opens new window)
National 5 Health Sector (opens new window)
National 5 Laboratory Science (opens new window)
National 5 Practical Electronics (opens new window)
Higher Biology (opens new window)
Higher Human Biology (opens new window)
Higher Chemistry (opens new window)
Higher Physics (opens new window)
Advanced Higher Biology (opens new window)
Advanced Higher Chemistry (opens new window)
Advanced Higher Physics (opens new window)