A message to our S6
Dear S6,
This should have been your last day in school and just to let you know that all of the staff are thinking about you and wishing you a great future. We understand that it is very different for you due to the current situation, but we also know that you are doing your bit to support everyone in your families and your community at this time. You my dear young people are our hope and shining stars as we move in to the future, we are so proud of you and that you have become alumni of St Margaret's Academy.
As a year group, you have many friends and it's so important to connect and support each other. We will also work out year books and getting together when we are able to do so.
Please stay in touch and remember that we are here if you need us. Mr Bennett has asked you to contact him with any queries about college,university, SAAS funding.
From everyone at St Margaret's, ALL THE BEST
Stay safe and well, God bless.
Mrs McGarty